See You at Vind 2013

Visit us at the Vind 2013 fair at Stockholm Waterfront from 23 - 24 October. You will find us in Boot 58 in the main exhibition hall and we will be pleased to introduce you to our complete system solutions.
Hop to see you there.
Telecon on WindEnergy in Hamburg
On September 23 - 26 the WindEnergy Hamurg will take place. Telecon will of course be there. Hall A1 Booth 431.
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Telecon representation at EWEA in Barcelona 2014
Telecon will also this year be represented at the EWEA which will be held in Barcelona this year.
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Another 135 meter metmast in Germany.
Telecon has now again delivered a complete metmast in 135 meter height for a customer in Germany. As general contractor we delivered mast, measurmentsystem and powersupply.
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